
UK Education Consultants

Well needed guidance for your children schools and university choice

Ed Richardson and his team of advisors are a good team of experienced uk education consultants and brings you a vast knowledge of the very competitive English education system.

Ed read Zoology at St. Andrews University in Scotland before completing a Secondary Science PGCE and more recently a Masters in Teaching and Learning, both at Oxford University.

They  have built up a thorough knowledge of the English private education system and will be able to guide you through your different choices at the outset of your child’s education in England, up to university level.

I really liked  their friendly and approachable manner and were really impressed by their contacts in the education world as well as their hands on knowledge of  the English schools and universities.

For in depth university advice and personal statement guidance, see my feature on their UK Universities application expertise.

You can start with an hourly consultancy session to get an initial general overview of the schooling system and a general advisory on what might suit your child best; £300 (+VAT) per session.

Education package starts at £2000 (+VAT)

Get in touch with Ed now for your tailored advice.


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