The AE Lifestyle blog

Friezeing in style


Frieze is only one week away and London is buzzing with art vibes already. If you are going to the opening night on Wednesday the 4th, and are stuck with "what to wear", here are the AE top picks.

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Birthday Breakfast- The Almost Essential girl looks cool


Birthday celebrations coming up? There is a new fun way to party with your friends! Give mornings a new vibe and embrace the new birthday breakfast trend. We love the idea and we cannot wait to update our wardrobe with cool outfits.

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Autumn Essentials


Sadly, Autumn is upon us. Lets lift our spirits up and lets go shopping for these chic Autumn Essentials.

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London Party season…what to wear?


June is traditionally one of the best month to party in London. Of course we want to look our best and feel on top of the world at all the parties. Here is our selection of party favourites that you can mix and match or wear with what you already have in your wardrobe.

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Spring Fashion


One can never really be too sure which season it is in London. As the clocks go forward this month, bring the on the brighter days. Here is a spring selection by my favourite stylist, Frederica Lovell-Pank, to brave most weather.

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Get your red carpet fashion moment


With the red carpet events like Grammys and Bafta, I could not resist but to ask my favourite stylist Frederica Lovell-Pank to put her own red carpet selection together for Almost Essential.

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Brrr… It is cold outside


Freddie, our favourite stylist, has made a selection of pieces to keep you warm in style!

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Sparkling Look for New Year’s Eve


New Year’s eve parties are looming, ease your way into 2017 looking gorgeous. Pick and choose from our sparkling selection.

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Art lovers

Art and Culture Fashion

A very exciting week is coming up here in London. If you are an art lover, you are going to have a blast.

With so much happening in town, don’t forget to check Culture Whisper's Frieze guide!

Let’s have a look at our fashion picks for the artsy week ahead!

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