
The Natural Screen Company

£620.00 Butler Tray

Luxurious Handcrafted Butler Trays and Screens

At AE we love to celebrate the finest craftmanship and small brands which preserve authenticity and heritage. So I was delighted to find The Natural Screen Company set up by Lucinda Freedman in 2019.
Lucinda wanted to create a company that supported British craftsmanship, small businesses and British sourced materials. With the help of a wonderful carpenter and upholsterer she started to design beautiful handcrafted screens as elegant dividers for rooms and offices- perfect for open plan living. The screens are covered in beautiful handwoven broadcloth produced in Yorkshire in one of the oldest family run mills, and then covered and studded by hand.

Lucinda then added the Butlers Tray, an old idea with a modern twist. Again all hand made in Britain and painted in a colour of the client’s choice using Farrow and Ball”s Eco-Friendly paint chart. The collection also now includes bedside tables, a really pretty alternative to brown furniture, The Desk, a brilliant way to create an office space which can be easily stored, and breakfast/supper tray tables, wonderful for TV suppers. The glass which protects the tray can be personalised to make it a really thoughtful gift.

All the products are bespoke and personal care and attention is given to each piece.
Go to her website now to check all The Natural Screen Company marvellous designs.


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