
Nina Morris Unique Fashion Collection

Timeless Couture Pieces

I discovered Nina Morris many years ago and fell instantly in love with her designs. Her pieces are all made with love and the fabric are designed by her and handprinted in  her atelier; this is true couture work. her trousers are the best cut trousers I have ever worn and everything she designed has this je ne sais quoi which attracted me instantly. She even manages to make a trench coat look sexy and cool. The pieces I bought from her 20 years ago still give me pleasure when I wear them.

For over 20 years Nina has been creating sustainable slow fashion from her atelier in London to clients both here and abroad. Loyal clients from Gstaad to New York and all over the world have collected and curated Nina’s unique and special pieces.

Personal relationships with clients (many of whom have become good friends ) are at the heart of Nina’s business. In a time when the technology has made us devoid of human connection, personal client service and understanding is central to everything Nina does.
Nina has been a trailblazer for sustainable slow fashion for over 20 years.
Everything is manufactured with love care and passion in her atelier. Nothing is mass produced. As collections are micro and many pieces are to order there is little or no wastage.

Most of the fabrics Nna uses are hand printing by Nina herself in her studio. This in particular is what sets her apart. Each print is developed individually, with love, passion and time.

From designing and hand carving the blocks to mixing and dyeing colours each step of the artisan process is painstakingly executed with the utmost care and attention.
Constantly evolving Nina’s latest passion is incorporating plant dyes into her pieces and working along side small niche sustainable suppliers to create clothes that are not only timeless and beautiful but respect and care for our precious planet.
Every piece is a love letter to the world.
Ring or email her via Almost Essential and she will walk you through her whole collection as she always comes up with new pieces.


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