
Crystal Gemstones Totems by Celia Lindsell

Unique and sustainable

Celia Lindsell’s career started designing the window displays for Tiffany & Co when they launched their first London flagship store. New window schemes were required every two weeks, which gave her excellent training in developing fresh and unique ideas in a very short space of time. Her imagination flew, which served well in the huge variety of creative projects she has worked on since.

Celia’s one constant in her career has always been sculpting. ‘I am passionate about form. I was introduced to crystal stones by a healer and was captivated by their ancient geological story and their natural array of colours. I collected many and decided that for maximum appreciation they needed to be viewed collectively in an elegant, harmonious formation; the mysticism inherent around totems and crystal stones seemed the perfect union.’
Totems represent the journey of past, present, and future, a convergence of mysteries. Crystal gemstones are formed from minerals in the ground that have consolidated over thousands, sometimes millions of years. Each stone has its own energy source and healing properties, which draw you to it depending on your individual needs. Celia sources and chooses each precious gemstone for quality, colour and for that intangible element of mystery that these incredible stones capture and convey. She works out their harmony and their relationship to one another to create a grounding force in each piece.

TOTEM is an invitation to make your own journey with the mysteries of crystals and Totem symbolism. Each piece is unique.
And it fits my quest for sustainability.
Recently Celia has been working on commissions for some incredible larger scale Totems, reaching heights of 1-1.5 meters tall. Please email Celia via Almost Essential contact button for further information.


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