
Theo Fennell Jewellery and Silverware

Discover his extraordinary talent

In Theo Fennell own words: “We are absolutely determined that all our work should be original, beautiful, perfectly crafted and give pleasure for generations. We believe that the genius of jewellery and silverware is in the details; in caring as much about the back as the front.We want the thought and care we put into our designs to shine through in the final piece. To create our unique work we are both disciples of the great traditions of British jewellery and silver, but also at the vanguard of new techniques and materials.”

What I love about Theo Fennell talent: his designs have a quintessentially British sensibility. Music halls and musicals, churches, pop art and music, theatre, literature, sport and architecture, fairgrounds and Greek classicism, Elizabethan art and poetry are just a few of the inspirations that jostle for top billing but all these refine down to jewellery and silverware that, however simple or theatrical, is always unique and beautifully made.

He will be delighted to welcome you in his beautiful new shop where he has both his design studio and workshop; alternatively he also has a beautiful website which reflects his talent very well; Just click on View Shop to get inspired.
If you would like to discuss a bespoke order please email here


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