
AE Lifestyle Management

I am doing it all for you.

The Almost Essential Website  makes your life easier in London, my AE Lifestyle Management service will make it even better and is geared to provide you with a secure lifestyle.

My aim is to make your life smoother; I will help you personally with anything you need done in your life, particularly through busy times. I want to enable you to optimise your free time so you can spend it on the things that matter the most to you like your children, family , friends, culture, or even yourself.If you are relocating to London, we can help you with anything from the actual move of your belongings to setting up a bank account, hiring staff with a view to giving you a “secure Lifestyle”

It is very simple, you ring or email me, we discuss your needs and I organise it all. Just think what you need the most, PA services, Entertaining for pleasure or business, Home Management, Beauty services, Art, Interior Design, Life optimising services like insurance, car, utilities etc, Travel, Education, Gifts buying; Anything you can think of. Rest assured that I will share all my secrets with you.

Depending on the extent of the task and how often you would like to pick up the phone for help; There are different packages we can propose starting with 1 hour at £100.
Please just ring or email me to find out more and how we could work together and have fun at the same time.

For help on finding gifts, join Michelle’s Inner Circle where I will help you with organising 10 gifts or experiences per year and will also give you access to my little black book.


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