
Online Art Lectures

£88.00 per year

Check their online classes and watch the video online.

I have discovered the nicest way to learn about art; art lectures at home over coffee with some of London’s best art lecturers. The themes of the lectures are varied, Contemporary Art, Modern British Art, Photography, Fashion and Jewellery, and are linked to current major exhibitions and art fairs in London.

This has all been put together by the charming and very knowledgeable Kate Gordon.

She has launched this online classes subscription, like the original London Art Studies classes, there’s no commitment, and no homework. Think of the online lectures a bit like TED Talks crossed with Netflix. There are three different types of membership: a Discovery Day Pass which is £5.00, a Monthly Subscription at £8.99 per month; and an Annual Membership at £88.00 per year.

We highly recommend the “Art and The City” series for your next European break; see what you can’t miss on your next trip, and we also really enjoyed the “Great Works” series; we could never understand that pile of bricks, and now we do!

Another interesting one is the Overview of the Art Market by Georgina Adam, she writes a weekly column on Saturdays for the Financial Times. This will be interesting to watch before any of the big art fairs.

Watch it now.

To subscribe to LAS online lectures simply click on the GO TO LAS WEBSITE button and click on Access to choose a subscription of your choice.


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