
In love with Art and Culture.

Spirit Now is a really unique way to broaden your horizons through very informative and inspiring lectures in private homes or special venues.
Being a Spirit Now member gives you the opportunity to meet with exceptional personalities from the cultural world. Spirit Now organises really interesting private events to visit artists’ studios, to attend intimate talks with museum directors, enjoy conversations with artists, scientists, philosophers, writers… You will also have the opportunity to meet and have interesting conversations with the other Spirit Now members over breakfast, lunch and dinner; They all share the same passion and Art and Culture.

This forum was founded by art and culture enthusiast Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre. Her aim is to create a club for art and culture enthusiasts who share her quest for knowledge and spiritual food.
A great panel of very different personalities like museum directors, curators, artists, writers, philosophers, designers, but also psychologists, scientists are invited to share their knowledge and passion.
In Marie- Laure own words “SPIRIT NOW LLONDON is a private and exclusive group of friends and collectors invited to attend a series of conferences, exhibitions in London, followed by a breakfast, lunch or dinner, in private homes, clubs, galleries and artists’ studios. A great panel of very different personalities like Museum Directors, curators, artists, writers, philosophers, designers, but also psychologists and scientists are invited to come to London and pass on their passion to the group. SPIRIT NOW LONDON is aiming to create the best group seeking spiritual food in our lives.”

This is reserved to Inner Circle members Please apply here by email 


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