
Garden Design and Maintenance With Cally

per hour for maintenance and planting

A passionate gardener

Cally trained at the English Gardening School, and provides a full garden service including maintenance, design and planting. Her specialised training in plants and plantsmanship, and her passion for creating beautiful outdoor spaces means she know how to give love and care to any gardens.
Clients wish to have different degrees of involvement with their garden; Cally is personally involved in the work of creating and maintaining the garden, and give advice as and when it is required. Outdoor space is at a premium in London, so it is worth making the most of every aspect of it.

Cally has created and maintained gardens, terraces, window boxes and balconies for a range of uses for private houses, both large and small, in the country and in town, and apartment blocks, restaurants and offices. Cally works with a carefully selected range of specialists, which include landscape architects, furniture suppliers, arborists and building contractors. She will oversee to completion all aspects of the projects that she is commissioned to undertake, coordinate suppliers and contractors on behalf of the clients. The planting is always personally done by Cally. Her level of involvement means she is constantly available to discuss ideas and progress with the owner to create the perfect space.

What I love about Cally is that she is equally happy maintaining gardens that she is at creating them, and her thorough knowledge of plants and flowers is of course an invaluable asset.

Ring or email her now for a quote and her advice on your garden needs.


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