
Tutor Agency

£72.00 per hour

Professional tutors who are in house trained.

Another leading tutor agency I recommend was founded in 2007 by one Harrowian. Tutoring is one of the services they offer, as part of a whole Education advisory offering including Schools advisory, University advisory.  It is a one stop shop of the Education, it can take your child from 4 to 18 yrs old along the sinuous English education path.

In their tutoring section, their primary concern is to gather a team of experienced professional tutors and some of them are ex teachers from independent schools.

They are one of the few tutoring organisations to employ full time tutors and they have a very rigorous selection and in – house training process for all tutors they employ. Equally, the self employed tutors are very rigorously selected as corroborated by one of the tutors themselves. All the tutors are carefully screened and trained by one of their senior partner, Ed, who was an ex teacher himself.

The wonderful Laura Cox is the Almost Essential dedicated client manager; She will look after you and after consulting Ed, she will find the right tutor for your child’s needs, whether they are from year 1 for 7+, 8+,up to CE, 11+, GCSE, A level and University.

They also have very qualified tutors for children with learning difficulties.

Lastly if you are living outside London, or going on holidays, they offer unique tutoring via their online tutoring platforms.

This is clearly one of the major player in the tutoring world, with a focus on developing tutoring as a professional industry.
price start at £72 per hour up to £135 depending on level of experience of the tutor.


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