
Tutor Agency

£55.00 per hour

Dedicated Tutor Agency

We all are on the lookout for good tutors. Lucy started tutoring in 1991 and set up her own well respected tutor agency in 2000. Lucy has accumulated a wealth of experience in recruiting the best tutors.

They have just over 200 tutors on their books which allows them to get to know each tutor well to be able to recommend them confidently to clients. Tutors tend to apply to them on recommendations from other tutors, clients and the Good Schools Guide (in which they receive a favourable review).

They interview tutors one-to-one and then they attend an induction session (a small group of 3-5 tutors). Furthermore, they run regular workshops through the year on topics such as common entrance exam preparation, study skills and Dyslexia. Tutors constantly say that they are the agency who looks after tutors the most.

When you ring her via Almost Essential, you will be taken care of by Lucy or one of her trusted team members, Shirley, Sarah or Daniel.

Lucy’s specialist team is highly experienced and very well organised: Shirley is the Overseas Client Liaison, supporting international students making the move to the British school system; Sarah is the Special Educational Needs Consultant and Dyslexia specialist; Daniel is the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach. Lucy, herself, comes from a family of academics, her Grandfather was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University and became a Don there. Lucy’s specialism is assisting students who require home schooling.

I have been consistently impressed by the quality of OC’s tutors whom I have used for years. They offer tuition up to A level/IB level/Pre-U. My recent experience with hiring an Economics teacher to help my son to go through his IB curriculum vitae was truly peerless. He really put my son back on track, including motivating him to do well.

Call or Email Lucy for more details.

There is a £95 registration fee for the first tutor. The hourly rate is £55 for face to face tuition is £60 an Endorsed tutor and £75 for a Career tutor; Online tuition is £10 less per hour. They also have some Elite tutors at higher rates. There is a special offer for AE members, the £95 registration fee has been reduced to £25 instead of the £95, make sure you mention Almost Essential.

Call her or email her now via Almost Essential, she loves to help Almost Essential. Check the reviews for more feedback.

7 reviews for Tutor Agency

  1. A client

    “Our experiences with Osborne Cawkwell have been seriously impressive on all levels. We could not have managed our situation without their expert help. When our daughter came home from boarding school mid-term, diagnosed with anorexia, not only did we face an emotionally challenging time but also a huge void in our daughter’s schooling. In despair we rang Lucy and within 36 hours we had a full programme of home schooling, covering all ten subjects for our daughter’s impending mock GCSE exams. The quality and charm of the tutors was the best we could possibly have hoped for. The standard of teaching was matched by the care and understanding, by every single tutor, towards our daughter’s mental illness. Rather than dreading the 2-hour sessions, our daughter positively looked forward to seeing the tutors. The speed with which each tutor picked up our daughter’s curriculum was incredible. They quickly worked out how they could best help her, and her results speak for themselves … more A and A stars than we imagined possible given this sudden switch to home schooling. The Osborne Cawkwell experience could not have been better. We have already recommended them to many of our friends. They are fantastic!”

  2. A client

    Over circa 15 years, OC have guided our three children safely ‘on demand’ stepping in, usually at very short notice, from Common Entrance through to A Levels – even offering help with our daughter’s university preparation abroad. There is a wide ‘pool’ of tutors available, all wielding strong CVs (which OC sends to you); young yet experienced, from diverse backgrounds, all highly personable. Indeed, this youthful experience is one of OC’s greatest attributes as one finds that children are motivated to learn more when they are ‘in synch’ with their tutor. We cannot commend OC highly enough.

  3. A client

    Thought you might appreciate our feedback. As an agency and its operations, I was very happy with the clarity of your terms and conditions, and receiving them in writing very quickly, without the need to ask for signatures, protracted correspondence, etc. I am very happy with our tutor Anna, whom my daughter cannot wait to see on each and every occasion. But to wrap it up, it has been extremely helpful that you as an agency made yourselves available at short notice, during winter holidays.

  4. A tutor

    I’ve worked for a few different tutoring agencies, but the one I always recommend to friends who are interested in becoming tutors is Osborne Cawkwell. Lucy and her team are friendly and helpful, and they treat their tutors with respect. They are also seriously professional, organised and effective at what they do. Other agencies pale in comparison.

  5. A client

    Over circa 15 years, OC have guided our three children safely ‘on demand’ stepping in, usually at very short notice, from Common Entrance through to A Levels – even offering help with our daughter’s university preparation abroad. There is a wide ‘pool’ of tutors available, all wielding strong CVs (which OC sends to you); young yet experienced, from diverse backgrounds, all highly personable. Indeed, this youthful experience is one of OC’s greatest attributes as one finds that children are motivated to learn more when they are ‘in synch’ with their tutor. We cannot commend OC highly enough.

  6. Mrs A.D

    Thought you might appreciate our feedback.
    As an agency and its operations, I was very happy with the clarity of your terms and conditions, and receiving them in writing very quickly, without the need to ask for signatures, protracted correspondence, etc.
    I am very happy with our tutor Anna, whom my daughter cannot wait to see on each and every occasion.
    But to wrap it up, it has been extremely helpful that you as an agency made yourselves available at short notice, during winter holidays.
    Mrs A.D.

  7. Murielle

    Lucy and her team are all dedicated to one goal: matching students and tutors to produce the best results possible. One on one sessions work beautifully when a bond of trust is established and everyone at OC always aims at creating the perfect match of student and tutor in terms of skill set but also personality. Every member of the team has in-depth knowledge of the British education system and all the exam boards in place and a great appreciation of students’ needs, thus always putting together the right working pairs.OC is a caring and highly professional agency that I warmly recommend.
    Murielle – French tutor

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