
Cosmetic Doctor – French magic

We could not recommend her more

I couldn’t recommend Doctor Sonia Hannoun more highly. She is a renowned French cosmetic doctor with over 12 years’ experience and has a very well-known practice in Paris.

She and her husband, Dr Hertzog have invented a new ultra thin needle (under patent) which makes injections painless and only leaves minimal bruising.

Whether it is fillers, peels or vitamin injections, threads, everything she does is with the utmost care in order to create a very natural look. She is a real pro, who prefers less rather than more, as opposed to many doctors. Now, she also does this amazing new non invasive procedure; she just inserts small threads which subtly lift your skin and redefine your face contour. She has such a light touch….Try it!

Vitamin injections are £150 and she highly recommends the Vit C serum and Sun face protection cream as featured on the website.

She is only consulting in Brussels and Paris at the moment, lucky them! We will need to organise beauty train rides to one of these cities!

Email her for more enquiries.

1 review for Cosmetic Doctor – French magic

  1. S.

    Sonia was perfect! Such a nice person, very professional and in favour of keeping a natural look.Thanks for finding her!

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