
Eco Friendly Delivery

The most efficient and cute eco friendly delivery service

Think eco friendly, think fastness, reliability, friendliness and you have the EcoFleet delivery service.

The Ecofleet delivery service was created by a passionate eco warrior Farah Asemi who decided to beat the endless number of delivery vans criss crossing our City. The founder manages the business herself, she is completely hands on and dedicated to first class customer experience, as she is very discerning herself.

Ecofleet has one of the largest fleet of electric cargo bikes with a range of 120 miles and a cargo capacity of 130 kg. They can transport anything, they delivered safely twice for me a large quantity of wine bottles. The cutest detail is that each bike has a Walt Disney character name. Their delivery time is faster and more efficient than any van or parcel car. The drivers are highly trained and fully employed by the company. Finally they have a very sophisticated software which plans the fastest route for your delivery and keeps you updated all along the route to your delivery point.

What is there not to like, this is the future. Go and register an account now, book the delivery online and feel good for doing your bit to helping our planet.


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