The AE Lifestyle blog

Making The ‘Back to School’ Blues a Breeze


Do you remember packing school bags for the first time and sending your children off to their first day at school? They seemed far too little to be venturing out into the big wide world, and yet academic challenges appear at every step of their school life.

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Applying to US Universities – What You Need To Know


For international students, the US application process can seem daunting. It is important to get a head start. Ideally, beginning the process two years prior to graduation. In this article, US Universities Advisor, Susie, shares her advice for successfully applying to the US College System.

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Education Health Check For The Start Of The Academic Year


The new school year, mean's it's time to consider giving your family an 'Education Health Check'

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US University Application Timeline for UK Students


In order to give you or your child the best possible chance of being accepted into a top US University or College, consideration and preparation should start as early as three years before the intended enrollment date. Almost Essential's US educational advisors share their full time for success...

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Effective Revision Strategies


Leading educational consultants Ed and Jon discuss their essential revision strategies and tips in this short video.

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US College Admissions: Writing A Successful Personal Statement


Crafting strong personal statements for US universities is time consuming and challenging at best. Luckily, Almost Essential works with several college admissions specialists and here one of those experts has shared their advice for writing a successful personal statement for US college admissions.

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How do I go about choosing the right univeristy course?


From Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic to Molecular Biology, the variety of courses to choose from when applying to Oxford and Cambridge is vast.

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Navigating the Fluid Waters of a Successful University Application


The university application process for an elite institution is undoubtedly a time-consuming and taxing endeavour, which requires careful planning and extensive preparation. Don’t leave your child’s future to chance.

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Interview: Maria Kessel, Former Princeton University Admissions Officer


This month, we decided to speak with Mariel, a former Princeton University admissions officer, to take you behind the scenes at our recommended US university applications service. As a new senior advisor at the company, Mariel shares a little on her educational background, experience and advice.

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How To Prepare For UK School Interviews


One of Almost Essential's recommended educational advisers and tutoring services shares some secrets for how to prepare for the UK schools' interview process.

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The Year Ahead In Tutoring


Get the latest news from one of our recommended Tutoring Experts

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How to encourage children to keep learning over the summer holidays?


Summer Holidays are there for everybody to relax but it might be a good idea to encourage our children to keep learning a little bit... Let see what OC, one of Almost Essential recommended Tutoring Specialist recommends.

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