The AE Lifestyle blog

Common Entrance Exams Preparation Tips.


Many students will be sitting the Common Entrance or 13+ exams shortly and while it can be a stressful time for children, preparation as always is key. Read the preparation tips from one of our recommended tutoring specialist.

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Creative Handwriting Ideas.


How to create penmanship alive in this day and age of keyboard writing? Holly Dinsdale of our recommended Tutoring company gives us tips.

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Revision Basics For The GCSE Exams


Welcome to the business end of the academic year! With only a month to go before the GCSE exams start students should be studying hard...

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British Science Week


This Friday marks the start of British Science Week. The event celebrates the world of science, technology, engineering and maths.

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A Centenary Of Women Getting The Right To Vote


On the 8th February we celebrated the centenary of some women getting the right to vote. Holly Dinsdale from our recommended tutoring company is looking at today's women future.

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11 Plus Tips


Is your child sitting the 11 Plus soon? Here are some last minute tips from OC, one of our recommended Tutor Agency.

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US Universities Application – What You Need To Know


US Universities application is not an easy process. Here are the key points you need to know if your child wants to apply, as explained by one of our recommended US universities advisor.

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US versus UK Universities


Deciding What’s Right for You is not an easy task... Besides the obvious financial commitment relevant to US Universities, Susie Cochin de Billy, one of our recommended US university advisors gives us her view on the the different criteria pertinent to your decision.

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Public Speaking Tips


Public speaking is something that many of us struggle with from a young age. However, at some stage we all have to do some form of public speaking, here are a few tips from one of our recommended Tutoring company.

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Anti-Bullying Week and how you can help


Bullying is of course ghastly, the key is to be able to handle it and fend the culprits off. It happens at any stage of life but it is more difficult to handle it when you are a child. Here are a few tips from one of my recommended Tutoring company.

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November To Do list for US Uni applications


A list, my recommended US university application company, has been so good at giving structure to my son's application in the US. Here is their To Do list for November.

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Mental health problems seem to be on the rise in young people.


Dan, mental health consultant with on my chosen tutoring company, is talking to us about the fact that mental health problems are on the rise in young people.

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