
Household And Security Staff Recruitment

The 360 degree private household and security service

UMBRA International Group – The Home of Secure Lifestyle

UMBRA International has decades of experience in delivering trusted recruitment, advisory and project management keeping clients safe in the permacrisis world of today and tomorrow. Here’s how they can help Almost Essential Community with their holistic service encompassing physical, digital, reputation and emotional safety risks across 3 services:

UMBRA Select

Recruitment you can trust – meet the team:

Neill (Estate & Household staff) Venetia (Private/Family office/Right hand roles – eg Personal and Executive Assistants), and Clara (Security Personnel – from Security Drivers and Residential Security to Head of Security & Estate roles) all contactable via Almost Essential

UMBRA Secure

Secure Lifestyle Project Management:

Mark Perkins & Toby Zeegan manage all UMBRA Secure enquiries – from home and physical security reviews to Cyber & Secure IT audits, digital safety advice and online reputation management advisory) – Send them an email to book a time to speak

UMBRA Advise & Training

The Advisory you can Trust:

Jess Rigby is their Head of Operations for their Secure Lifestyle Advisory. Whether you’re new to the world of Security, to test the systems you already have in place, or just to talk through our Secure Lifestyle Checklist, she is here to help. She can advise around their award winning digital and physical Secure Lifestyle training for all ages from 8 years old, including situational awareness and self-defence. Contact her via Almost Essential

All Almost Essential Clients receive a 45 minute complimentary Secure Lifestyle Audit with UMBRA CEO Kate Bright (normally charged at £350+VAT) and a discounted UMBRA Select Recruitment rate for their first placement.


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