Skincare Hacks To Get You Through Party Season

Party season continues and whilst all those festive drinks, caffeinated catch ups and late nights are great fun, our skin can often suffer at their hands. So, to keep you looking and feeling top of your game, here are some of our top beauty hacks to help you keep up with party season – courtesy of one of Almost Essential’s recommended beauty and wellness partners.

Get a good night’s sleep

Between decorating, shopping, cooking up a storm, socialising and, for the mums amongst us, remembering to move that Elf every evening; there’s certainly no rest for the wicked over the festive period. So, when you do get a chance to grab forty winks, we want to make sure it leaves you feeling rested and relaxed. That’s why, this festive season, we’re giving you the gift of a great night’s sleep with a free silk eye mask for all of our UK customers purchasing a one-month supply of our supplements.

As well as blocking out any distracting light, this luxuriously silky eye mask lets your delicate eye area breathe to help you avoid unwanted puffy eyes and break-outs – tell-tale signs that you’ve been partying the night away!

Nourish your skin

Your skin has a lot to battle against during December; chilly temperatures and harsh winds can strip away all its moisture, whilst all that extra holiday sugar consumption can cause unwanted breakouts. At Lumity, our incredible facial oil has been designed to provide all the nutrients your skin craves – particularly during the festive season when our skin can often bear the brunt of the many celebrations. Containing a blend of 32 botanical oils and extracts, just a few drops of oil every day will help to:

> Replenish moisture for supple, smoother skin
> Reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles
> Restore elasticity, radiance and firmness
> Reinforce the skin’s natural barrier to maintain perfect hydration
> Restore balance and youthful condition

Feed your body from the inside out

Whilst the cosmetic giants of the world will try to convince us that we need a different product for every problem area on our bodies, what our skin truly needs to look and feel gorgeous is a range of nutrients. When you give your body this much-needed support, skin tends to be healthy and stops presenting troublesome issues such as breakouts and dry areas.

With all of that said, let’s face it; our diets throughout December often leave a little to be desired, and sometimes we need quick and effective boosts that actually work. At Lumity, our anti-ageing supplements have been designed to include five key beauty benefits, to help keep your skin looking gorgeous, without having to shun all sugar! These benefits include:

> Nutrients to support healthy skin, hair and nails
> Nutrients to help reduce fatigue and tiredness
> Vitamins to support healthy bones, joints, muscles and teeth
> Protection against oxidative stress
> Immune boosting vitamins and nutrients

So, whatever plans you might have over the party season, it’s easier than you think to make sure you stay looking your very best. Learn more about Almost Essential’s recommended beauty products here.