The AE Lifestyle blog

Meet Andrew Bretell, The Household Finance Guru


Meet Andrew Bretell who explains to Almost Essential why it is good idea to get in touch with him.

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Autumn Essentials


Sadly, Autumn is upon us. Lets lift our spirits up and lets go shopping for these chic Autumn Essentials.

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Need To Know: How to slow down in the fast lane by Beauty Editor Olivia Falcon

Health and Beauty Need to Know-Olivia Falcon

Olivia Falcon shares with Almost Essential her most recent precious "Need To Know" tips; This time they are about coping mechanisms with London life on the fast lane

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Birthday Breakfast- The Almost Essential girl looks cool


Birthday celebrations coming up? There is a new fun way to party with your friends! Give mornings a new vibe and embrace the new birthday breakfast trend. We love the idea and we cannot wait to update our wardrobe with cool outfits.

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Friezeing in style


Frieze is only one week away and London is buzzing with art vibes already. If you are going to the opening night on Wednesday the 4th, and are stuck with "what to wear", here are the AE top picks.

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