The AE Lifestyle blog

November To Do list for US Uni applications


A list, my recommended US university application company, has been so good at giving structure to my son's application in the US. Here is their To Do list for November.

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Chic and versatile cashmere collection


Emma Jane Knight, the very chic fashion stylist has come up with an equally chic cashmere collection. Lucky Almost Essential gets a 10% discount

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The extraordinaire Lluis Lleo exhibits in London

Art and Culture

I am so excited to introduce you to Lluis Leo, already acclaimed in NYC, who is going to be part of a group show "Drift" here in London at JGM Gallery on the 22nd November. Exhibition curator and Art Consultant Nico Kos describes his marvellous work for Almost Essential.

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Oro Don Vincenzo Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil – A Healthy Indulgence

Food and Wine

I am always on the look out for a delicious, pure and authentic olive oil, and even better if I can meet the producer; this one is no exception in terms of quality and authenticity.

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Anti-Bullying Week and how you can help


Bullying is of course ghastly, the key is to be able to handle it and fend the culprits off. It happens at any stage of life but it is more difficult to handle it when you are a child. Here are a few tips from one of my recommended Tutoring company.

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Country Chic


Week ends in the country are always a big treat; It is a nice time to cosy up with your friends, to go for big walks; If you are more sporty to go riding or shooting. We have selected a few pieces which will last you forever and will remain your countryside classics in your wardrobe.

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Finances under control increases the happiness factor.


Having my financial situation well organised, if not under control, really alleviates part of my everyday stress. The lovely Andrew Bretell is really good at helping you keeping your finance under check...try him!

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